Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pregnancy Survey - 37 weeks

How far along are you? 37 weeks...only 19 days till my due date (will I make it that long?)

How big is Baby? about 6 2/3 pounds and about 18-19 inches long.

Weight Gain? all for the baby!!

Gender? Still a Boy (having weird dreams of delivering a girl though)

Maternity Clothes? Skirts, dresses and leggings are still a God-send!

Stretch Marks? 3 new stretch marks showed up over night this past weekend!  That's ok, though...I'll consider them victory marks. :)

Sleep? Pretty choppy...not gonna lie.  I'll sleep about 2 hours max before waking up and having to turn over or go to the bathroom. 

Symptoms? Restlessness - nesting, but not a lot of energy.  Having the desire to have a clean house but really just wanting to lie down and do nothing.  Anxious for Sweet Pea's arrival.  Still pretty uncomfortable.  Still very forgetful. 

Movement? I'm lucky to have quite the mover on me! All. The. Time!  He likes to stretch which is getting uncomfortable for mommy.

Food Cravings? peanut butter and jelly still is the best thing on earth!  Also, El Tapatio is making a fortune off of me! :)

Labor Signs? I've been having more frequent Braxton-Hicks contractions.  It seems every time I stand up I feel one.  I keep hoping that today will be the day!

Belly Button in or out? 100% innie! It hasn't changed even a little bit.

What I miss? Being able to sleep on my stomach. Not going to the bathroom every half hour. Being able to see my toes.  Exercising like I want to, not having to modify everything.

What I am looking forward to? maternity leave where it's just me and baby and daddy and not a thing to do except just be! Learning how I cope with labor.

Best moment of the week? My family went on a mini vacation to Astoria and I climbed all the way to the top of the Astoria Column.  I didn't think I would be able to do it, but I did!  YAY!  It was well worth the 164 spiral stairs (up and down!!)


  1. Wow, good for you!!!!!!!
    Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. i can NOT wait to see sweet pea! so so so so excited. seems you have a lot of the same symptoms i had during my final months ;) hhhhheeeeeerrreeeee comes BABY!

  3. Congrats on your little one! Thank you for your sweet words on my blog, I love "meeting" new readers and hearing from other people how they cope and grow in tough or just new (aging!) times.
    You are beautiful and I can't wait to watch your journey as a Mama!
