Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, July 29, 2011

I'm back

HI! :)

I took a little more than a months break, but now I'm back.  I am not going to guarantee a daily entry; I don't think I did the daily entries before, so why would I start now.  However, I am going to try for at least two posts* a week. 

Let's see what has happened in the last month...  :)

Evan William Jimenez
I have a son! :)  Evan arrived at 1:11 am on June 26, 2011.  He weighed 5 lbs 13 oz and was 19 1/4  inches long.  He was a tiny little guy to everyone's surprise.  I had been measuring right on target, but my doctor thinks I was carrying a lot of extra fluid which tricked us all.  I'll be writing my birth story and editing it for a while.  You can be on the lookout for it sometime next month. 

Evan is one month old.  I can't believe this whole month has come and gone.  My maternity leave is only 10 weeks and I'm already thinking it's not going to be enough time!  At the same time, I've been looking for things to do to keep my busy.  I'm not a good stay at home person.  I've found a couple of outlets and I think it's a good balance of making sure Evan gets good quality sleep and making sure mama gets good quality social time!

Rolando and I are doing well at transitioning to parenthood.  It suits us well! :)  Rolando is a GEM when it comes to loving on his son.  He takes Evan for a walk most mornings so that mama can get some extra sleep (I love that part of my sleep time!)  He dances and sings around the house with Evan which is the sweetest sight ever. :)  I'm so thankful for him.  It's funny how many people said that they fell more in love with their husband after seeing him with their child.  I believed them, but it didn't seem really possible.  How can you love more?  Oh my goodness, now I know what they are talking about.  To see your husband loving on your son (loving your son is for another post entirely) is the most amazing feeling ever!

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful journey ahead of me.  My son is beautiful.  My husband is amazing.  And I survived the most difficult event of my life.

Life is good!

*Posts may include, but are not limited to, pictures of Evan, articles I want to read but don't have the time, favorite websites or blogs, my rantings, my sleep deprived emotions wrapped up in a 30 second entry because...Oops! the baby's crying :/, etc!!  haha

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