Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, October 8, 2011

what is it that mom always says?

My mom didn't say this phrase often, but it's a well known phrase:

Don't cry over spilled milk!

Have you ever thought what does it mean exactly?  There's always a moral, right?  Well, lucky us!  We have the internet...from this source:

"The idiom that there is no use crying over spilled milk means that if we make a mistake and something gets broken, it is not helpful to wail in lament, and instead we should simply clean up the mess and get on with it.
This saying comes from the days when dairy animals were milked by hand into a pail. Milk does get spilled occasionally when the pail is tipped over, and then there simply is no getting it back into the pail. Like many other times in life, crying or complaining won't help at all, and it's better not to waste the time or energy and instead just get back to the task at hand"

As I discussed in a previous post, I've had to pump and dump due to some meds I was taking.  I did this one day and started feeding Evan the next day just as the doctor ordered.  Evan was unusually fussy the day I fed him so I decided to pump and dump the rest of the time I was on the meds.  It was a sacrifice I was willing to make in order to keep my son happy (I did miss feeding him terribly, but daddy got a good number of feedings in and loved it!).  I was lucky enough to have a supply built up so that feeding him my milk was possible.  My sister/nanny was so good about pulling enough milk out during the day so that they would thaw by evening.  Evan's tummy has stayed happy and that makes mama happy.

Wednesday I allowed myself to cry (just a little) over breast milk.   On Wednesday night, I was making Evan a bottle and I accidentally knocked over the bottle with his freshly warmed milk.  5 ounces gone, wasted in seconds!  I've been pumping/dumping about 13 ounces a day and then here's 5 whole ounces of good, fattening, calorie-filled, med-free milk and I just dumped it all over the counter.  I cried and then I smiled because my very next thought was "Well, at least I aimed into the sink and not all over the kitchen floor." 

The moral of this story, if you have to clean up milk with one hand while holding a crying baby in the other, the most you can hope for is not having to get on your hands and knees to clean it.  :)

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