Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How do you eat an elephant?

Oh my!!  Can you say overwhelmed?  I think full fledged pregnancy hormones have hit.  Yesterday, i panicked!  I started researching things about pregnancy tests, exercise routines, nursery necessities (even though sweet pea won't have a nursery, I still want to know what the world says I HAVE to have), crib choices, clothe vs. disposable, nursing bra get the idea.

I think the second you start looking into all these things is the moment God gives you all your hormones at one time.  I didn't feel stressed or behind in any of my checklists until I researched more thoroughly.  Coincidence?  I think not!  Once you start researching, you know what you're up against.  Thankfully, I have a wonderful support system and asked them if we could start working on the lists together.  They assured me that the baby would be well supplied pre-birth!  Phew!

My mom, sisters and I going to a couple of stores this weekend to check out registry options.  I've been blessed with many friends that have already been through this and are giving me wonderful advice or articles to read to educate myself.  I'm learning that some things are just going to come with time and that you won't make the right choice automatically.  I'm also learning to just trust my instinct.  My gut says it's not time to buy this that and the other, so I'm waiting a bit.  My gut tells me that, yes, I will get enough gift cards from baby showers to purchase that wonderful co-sleeper that I want so desperately (and also, that if I don't receive enough gift cards, the co-sleeper will be purchased with money that Rolando and I have set aside).  And above all, I'm learning to trust more wholly on the Creator of the universe to provide just what my family needs.  Amen!

So, how do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time!


  1. Don't let yourself get too overwhelmed. There are about a million options out there for everything. I found the best way to combat this was to just stop looking. I know...crazy, huh? We wasted way to much money on things I thought I just HAD to own and now looking back I can't believe how stressed I let myself get.
    My little piece of advice- decide where your priorities lie and stick with those areas ONLY and then let everything else fall into place.

  2. oh goodness girl! we need to chat. don't overdo it either. there are only a handful of things that are true necessities (sp? doesn't look right) anyways! I sold all of my baby stuff after Tyler and now I have to purchase everything again! Believe me you can totally live w/out all the stuff that the articles will tell you to buy. I'm also shopping on craigslist--give it a shot. You won't believe how many NEW items are on there bc ppl just didn't use them or only used them from 3 months! Babies grow SO quickly.
    1. get cheap cotton bras that are easy to move up and down if you are going to nurse (underwire is best) I'll be hitting up Target, b/c their clearance stuff is awesome
    2. Baby shares a bed w/ Randy and I until about 6-9 months--no co-sleeper necessary, just a stiff body pillow or bed guard. we did it w/ both children, never risked SIDS--we can chat later.
    3. Swing--my friend has offered hers to us--you will only use for about 9 months so don't go all out
    4. DIAPERS DIAPERS DIAPERS---stock up. 3 boxes #1, 3 boxes #2, careful not to over stock b/c baby grows fast!
    5. CAR SEAT--make sure it's NOT expired and never been in an accident if you buy "used"--and check for recalls. I'm checking out Sunshine Kids Radian b/c it's the safest and most narrow car seat out and will last this little muffin until he/she is 60-80 lbs. Definitely the item you will want to spend money on!
    Don't stress sweetie. It will all fall in place. Love you bunches! give your family hugs and kisses.
