Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I know I shouldn't complain...about anything...but certainly not about this, but  


I have the WORST case of acne I've ever had...EVER!  I would make a teenage girl feel really darn good about her face right now.  UGH!  This is the symptom I get from being pregnant?  THIS!?!

Okay, I'm done now.  I really shouldn't complain.  In the (almost) 17 weeks I've been pregnant, I felt nauseous for mabye 2 minutes.  I've not had any aversions or cravings, I've not been overly tired or unmotivated.  I've not had any stomach issues whatsoever.  I'm showing a little, but not too much for a 17 week along pregnant person.  I've not gained a ton of weight.  Nothing.  I feel great!  So I guess I should take this stage with a smile. 

P.S.  My husband is a gem and gets mucho points for saying this last night:
Hubby: You are so pretty, you are naturally just so pretty.
Me:  Thanks (shy's away) but have you seen my face?
Hubby:  You are so pretty even with all the pimples, you are still prettier than all the girls in america!


1 comment:

  1. You're too funny (and cute). He's right you ARE beautiful. When will we get to see pictures of you?

    Don't worry...if you don't like acne there will be PLENTY more things for you to complain about later. :)
