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Monday, January 10, 2011

New Years Resolutions

I've never been one to focus on NYR's.  I just think they are silly.  They might actually be the one thing I am cynical of  No one ever keeps them.  What's more, it seems that people don't even EXPECT you to keep them, so why should I try to set goals that I'm not going to be encouraged to keep or attain???

But this year,  I've succumb to the societal pull to set some NYR's.  I've set them and now I'm posting about them on my blog in hopes of keeping them.  I WILL try to focus on them once a month; I WILL achieve them to the best of my abilities; I WILL NOT feel guilty if I fail (for I wouldn't be a true American without failed attempts at NYR's).

Here's a list in no particular order of the things that I would like to set my mind to in 2011:
  1. Read through the Bible in one year. My church is doing this together and I thought it would be really cool to actually do this!  Off to a good start.
  2. Blog at least 2 times a week.   I was doing really well at blogging for a while and then Christmas came and hubby and I disappeared into the abyss of my parents house and came out a week and a half later having done...well...nothing!  It was so fantastic!  But I've become a little stuck in that mode and am having a hard time getting out of it.  Groceries (non-perishables) are still in bags, clean laundry is still in the hamper which means that dirty laundry is piling on the floor, bed hasn't been made in weeks and my blog site has been severely neglected!
  3. I want a blog makeover and therefore I will research and figure out how to do just that.  One of the things I love most about visiting other blog sites is seeing what they've done with the design of their blog.  I'm totally envious of how amazing the presentation of the blog is on The Mommyhood Memos, Survival Mama, and That Mama Gretchen.  I will conquer the designing of my blog.  It will give a face lift! :)
  4. Become a mommy!  Don't roll your eyes at me, you know it was going to make the list! :)  Without a doubt, this one will be the easiest to fulfill.  I am pretty much on the path to completion with a very particular deadline in view (June 27th)!!  I am so excited to become a mommy.  I cannot wait for this day to arrive.  I've been waiting my whole life, you know?
Well, there you have it.  Those are my NYR's.  Please support me in my effort to conquer these pesky little things that seem to disappear as January turns to February and then March.  Even if it's a simple encouragement that you noticed me making progress on one them.  It would mean the world to me.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck buddy! I don't set NYRs either but I usually at least try to use the start of a new year to restart and refresh my personal goals (I almost always have goals in mind for myself- no matter what time of year it is).

    If you're looking for ideas on a blog makeover check out Mama kat's website (I have a link to her on my blog). She has an entire section devoted to how to make a good blog. One of her big things to do is to break away from blogger and create/register your own site. I was going to do that...until I realized it's not free and I couldn't bring myself to spend money on something I wasn't sure I would be able to stick with. Plus, as a new mom of a one-income family we have to be pretty careful about where we spend our money.
