Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, April 25, 2011

31 weeks and I'm...

...just starting to firm up (my belly that is).
...just starting to feel back pain and hip pain, and I do NOT like them. awe of what God can create.  I have a whole person inside of me!!
...just starting to feel the nesting instinct.  I cleaned the kitchen and bedroom, organized baby items, and dusted all in one evening.
...marveling at the wonder that is inside of me.
...just starting to feel full way sooner than I would like.  I enjoy eating way too much!!
...just starting to have a TON of energy.  I have to force myself to bed at a descent hour.
...getting anxious for the big day.
...just starting to say "Is it my turn yet?"  I can't wait for Sweet Pea to arrive!
...just starting to think "Are we seriously doing this?" ;)
...just starting to wonder what it will be like to say "This is my son."
...just beginning to think I might not be able to handle loving this little one so much.
...wondering if the name we picked out is really the name, or if should be something different. (names are so hard to figure out!)
...just now wondering what it's actually going to be like to be a mom.
...wondering what breast feeding is going to feel like.
...just now starting to think about the actual work that goes into labor.  It doesn't scare me one bit, so I haven't thought about it much.

1 comment:

  1. 31 already?! Man time is really starting to fly! I remember that right around week 36 I started to get SUPER antsy and didn't think I could wait any longer.
