Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Constipation Remedies 101

Here's everything you need to know about solving the horrible bout of your child's constipation:

1.  Wake up every hour on the hour during the night and walk with your child (can you say sleep deprivation).

2.  Try to figure out if your child is hungry or just in pain.  (note: you can usually tell the difference between the two cries, but not this time...totally throwing off your mama instincts and confidence)

3.  Pray for your child.  

4. Walk and bounce and shush and sing for hours today.

5. Change your child's diaper many times hoping that a clean diaper will spur on the feeling of needing to pee or poop (because every. other. time. you change your child's diaper it spurs on the feeling of needing to pee or poop!!).

6.  Walk to your office and back (1.5 miles total) hoping that the cinched action of the wrap will help squeeze it out (you are definitely getting your exercise today).

7.  Strip yourself and your child naked and take a shower hoping that the warm water and nakedness will help move it out.

8.  Let your child sleep on his stomach for his nap, hoping that the pressure on his stomach will help it move on the way out (and then check on him every minute to make sure he hasn't fallen victim to SIDS {Gosh there are so many things to worry and fret about when you are a mom}).

9.  Listen to your child scream a TOTALLY different scream then you've ever heard. 

10.  Cry with your child.  It might help. 

11. Call a friend and talk to them about their child's experience with constipation.  Let their words comfort you and listen when they tell you they are praying for you and your child.

12.  Change your child's diaper one more time and hold up his legs a little higher than normal.  Watch as a sight normally unseen (and should probably remain unseen) unfolds before your eyes.  More poop than you can ever imagine will come running out of your sweet child's behind.

You will laugh.  You will cry.  You will shout for joy.  Must most importantly...

You will cheer on your son as he does an amazing job and relieving himself all over your shirt. 

I love my son!

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