Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Traveling with a 7 week old

I'm nervous about traveling, but feeling assured that everything will be okay.  I'm sure everyone is right that it's easier to fly with a 7 week old instead of a 1 year old, but it's still scary.  Especially when I hate flying myself.  Now I have to be concerned about another living being!  Yikes!  Don't worry though, I know I can do it.

Because I'm a list person, I'm going to make a list of what I'm planning on bringing.  Suggestions and additions are much appreciated!

Lots of clothes
Lots of blankets
Lots of burp clothes
binki and back up binki (one that he doesn't like as well, but it'll do in emergency!)
car seat
diaper bag
moby wrap
breast pump
steam bags for sanitizing pump materials
white/black flash cards...I really want him to love them :)

I'm not bringing a travel bed since most of the time he'll be sleeping with me in bed or in someone's arms (I <3 loving on my son!!).  Anything I'm forgetting?  If it's something obvious, go easy on this mama.  I'm new at this and very sensitive! :)


  1. We are flying with Jemma 4 days after her first birthday. I. am. terrified.

  2. Depending on the length, do you need bath items for the both of you? I really encourage you to bring as little as possible with you as a carry-on. The worst part of flying with an infant is the LONG walk to the terminal and then to the baggage claim.

  3. bath stuff...YES!! :) Silly me, of course we need bath stuff.

    Also, nursing pads! can't go a minute without them, literally!
