Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My birth story (part 1)

Evan will be 2 months old tomorrow and I can't believe it!  You never understand how fast time can actually fly past you until you have a baby.  When reading all the mommy blogs I could absorb during pregnancy, I told myself I wouldn't say those words that all mamas say (I can't believe how fast you've grown), but seriously folks, it's inevitable.  Evan really is growing so fast.  In just 2 short weeks, he's become an entirely different baby.  It brings tears to my eyes just typing those words.  Wow, time really does fly by.

Speaking of flying by, my maternity leave is almost over and in a few weeks I'll be returning to work.    I had a few goals that I wanted to complete during my maternity leave. Don't worry I only had a few: Love Evan with all my heart, pump/store as much milk as possible (no quota, just do the best I can), and put into words my birth story.  One of my goals for maternity leave hasn't been met and so with this post, I check it off the list.

Giving birth is an overwhelming event.  It's overwhelming in the fact that it is beautiful, painful, empowering, and amazing.  It's a rite of passage.  It's a chance to show the world just how strong you are.  It's a chance to prove to yourself that you can conquer anything you put your mind to.  For nine months, a woman's body prepares for this journey into motherhood.  And then, after just a few short hours (comparatively) your body has accomplished it's goal.

Here's my story (discontinue reading if you get uncomfortable with TMI topics):

Evan William Jimenez was born on Sunday, June 26th.  I want to start my story on the Thursday before that.  I had my 39 week appointment with my doctor and asked if she could strip my membranes.  She was successful at doing so and I walked away from the appointment hoping that by the end of the weekend I would have my baby boy in my arms and no longer in my belly.  That afternoon, while at work, I starting having horrible back pain.  No amount of stretching, pelvic tilt exercises, Tylenol, or different sitting positions helped.  I was walking around the office more than I was sitting in my office chair doing work.  It was so bad that I finally went home early and laid down in my bed to rest.  I finally was able to sleep around 10:30 that night and I woke up Friday morning around 7:30.  It was glorious...until I tried to sit up in bed and was blinded with the same back pain, same spot, more intense.

I called my doctor as soon as the office opened.  I told her about my situation and she asked a lot of questions (any contractions? no, any bleeding? no, drinking enough water? yes, etc).  After answering all her questions, she advised me to go to the hospital and check myself in.  She wanted to have me monitored in case contractions where happening and I couldn't feel them.  I checked in around 10 am. and was monitored for about 2 hours.  They gave me more pain medicine and alternated ice/hot on my back.  I had one contraction after 2 hours, when the nurse came to discharge me.  She told me that my son had moved down enough to where he was probably sitting on my sciatic nerve.  My options were pretty limited.  I could go to a chiropractor and see if an adjustment would help.  Walking wouldn't help, it would probably just bring more pain.  She basically said, go home, alternate ice and heat, relax and pray your baby comes soon.  great!

I went home, in pain, not knowing what the next few days would bring.  My mind was going 100 mph.  Am I going to have to deal with this pain for another 3 weeks possibly?  I really wanted to work every day possible until the baby came; how was I going to endure?  Now I know why women take leave before the baby comes.  I can't do this!  I don't want to do this.  So this is the pain of pregnancy (yes it was pretty much for first real pain from being pregnant).  I hoped and prayed that this was the onset of labor and that I would have my son in my arms soon!  I called my sister and told her to come over, bring some movies and bring some spicy foods and green grapes (the grapes sent my aunt into labor years and years ago, so I decided to try those too).  Both of my sisters came down, we enjoyed our food and before we started watching the movies, I tuckered out and went to bed (around 11:30).

I was awakened at 12:30 am Saturday by cramping and gas pains, went to the restroom and laid back down to go to sleep.  Then the pains came again about 5 minutes later.  After about 30 minutes of this pattern it donned on me...this might actually be labor, but I didn't want to rush things so I grabbed my exercise ball and, while playing sudoku and bejewled on my phone, rolled back and forth on the ball.  I was trying not to pay attention to the time, but by 3:30 am, the contractions were happening every 3-4 minutes and, though they weren't as painful as I thought they would/should be, were becoming more intense.  I finally woke Rolando up and told him that I thought we should go to the hospital.  My sisters were sleeping in the living room, so I woke them up too and off we went.  I was elated.  It was time and soon enough I would be gazing in my son's eyes and falling head over heals in love!

While Rolando drove us to the hospital, Janelle called mom and told her it was time.  I was taken up to the room and hooked up to the monitors.  I saw the contractions coming and going and was feeling every emotion on the spectrum.

Nervous...will I be able to do this?  what is it really going to be like?
Anxious...the nurse checked me and I was only 2 cm dilated and 50-60% effaced, not a huge change from my 39 week appointment.  She advised me to use the hot tub and told me that if contractions continued it was probably real labor, but I could see in her eyes that she had her doubts.
Elated...the contractions continued while in the hot tub.  My mind was made up, this was it and I was going to meet my son.
Frustrated...the nurse came in and checked me again.  No progress, in fact, she said I was more like 1 cm dilated.  WHAT?!?!?  is that possible?  you can go backward?  NO WAY!
Angry/upset...after 3 hours of napping at the hospital (with the help of ambien and morphine) the nurses decide to send me home.  There would be no baby this afternoon.

I was so sad, upset and just plain frustrated.  My heart was broken.  I wanted to cry a river.  I was told to rest, relax, walk if possible, and when contractions started again, to wait until they were 3 minutes apart, lasting at least a minute, and painful/intense.  I was given homework.  I can do that!  Focus on the homework and wait.

Fortunately I didn't have to wait too long!

To Be Continued...


  1. Edge of my seat! Can't wait to read more :)

  2. Okay...see..THIS is the story I've been trying to get out of you...all of the details and everything. I can't wait to hear the rest!
