Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pregnancy Survey - Week 25

How far along are you? 25 weeks and 5 days.  I am LESS than 100 days away
from meeting Sweet Pea!

How big is Baby? Baby is about 9 inches and weighs 1 3/4 pounds :)

Weight Gain? You bet your sweet bippies!  I've gained about 18 pounds.  More than I wanted with only being 25 weeks, but still in the okay range.

Gender? Boy

Maternity Clothes? Yes ma'am!  I can still fit into some of my work shirts (if they are long enough) but I've been in maternity pants for about 12 weeks.  I seriously cannot stand anything tight around my belly!!

Stretch Marks? Not any new ones!  I was blessed with stretch marks before I was 14. :(

Sleep? I was sleeping just fine up until about a week ago.  March 16th I hit the milestone of Sweet Pea waking me up with his kicks for the first time.  I'm sleeping okay if I always have my body pillow with me!

Symptoms? I have not experienced many pregnancy symptoms.  I'm not trying to brag, just being honest.  I was never nauseous, i was only tired for about a week.  I've not experienced cravings other than I love spicy foods more and more. The only aversion I experienced was to coffee, but that has disappeared!  YUM!

Movement? YES!!! Sweet Pea has been kicking up a storm lately!  I absolutely adore feeling him move around inside of me.  I'm excited to experience him rolling and tumbling.

Food Cravings? nothing except for I love my foods even spicier than normal.

Labor Signs? none yet

Belly Button in or out? 100% innie!  It hasn't changed even a little bit.

What I miss? I've been thinking about this for 5 minutes and have come up with nothing!

What I am looking forward to? I can't wait to see what he looks like.  How dark is his skin going to be?  What shape will his eyes be?  What will be the color and texture of his hair?  Will he have Rolando's nose (I think he will based on the ultrasound picture)?
cutest little profile I've ever seen!! and the nose? totally Rolando's!
Best moment of the week? Knowing that I hit the double digits of days left in pregnancy. :)  YAY!!! 


  1. You look fantastic my darling! I love your shirt too by the way!

  2. I love it. Can't wait to see him either. Mom.

  3. your baby bump is so cute! i can't wait until mine is a little bigger. :) so glad you've had a smooth pregnancy without many symptoms. blessed!!
