Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, March 7, 2011

bite and chew

You know that old saying, "Don't bite off more than you can chew?"  Can someone please tell me that again and again and again?!?!

This weekend was a very busy weekend.  Saturday I had to work in the morning, I had musical rehearsal in the afternoon, and Rolando and I had dinner at a friends house in the evening.  Sunday is the day that someone should have yelled at me to sit down for 2 minutes.  Here's what I decided was a good idea to tackle.

Last weekend my family made a trip to Idaho and came back with a truck load of baby gear! YAY!!!  Well, it was all piled into the garage (thank you Janelle, Tyler, Mom and Dad) and I wanted to dig in!!  There were buckets of baby clothes that needed to be sorted and looked at and washed.  Two loads of laundry later, task complete.  Not to mention the two loads of laundry that I brought over of Rolando's and my clothing! YIKES!  I better get used to that. 

I brought over bread mix to bake and little cubical storage containers to build.  I also wanted to start making a grocery list for Freezer Food Saturday coming up, but that didn't happen.

Rolando and I are going to sell the jeep so I decided (with the help of my dad) to fix a couple of parts that have been broken for a while.  Well, in the process of fixing one part, we totally pulled off the back window zipper.  The zipper has been broken for some time now, but Rolando and I just vowed never to touch it and it would be fine.  It took my dad and I two hours to zip the window back up.  We fixed it (WD-40 is a miracle worker)  and now I can take it through the car wash/detailer to get it looking good as new. :)

Well, all that work took a toll on my pregnant body.  I couldn't get comfortable last night, so I tossed and turned and shifted and groaned and grunted!  Not a good night sleep.  I'm feeling a little more than run down this morning.  Is this what sleep deprivation looks like?

I'm here at work today, but it's going to be a LONG 10 hour day!  Maybe I'll only make it 9 hours and go home, stick in a good movie, and FOLD all those baby boy clothes that I have. :)

Added a few hours later: I just wanted to let everyone know that my wonderful dad was the one handling the WD-40.  We were outside and he was spraying it on the window.  I was more than 5 feet away from the chemical so I don't think any damage was done to my little sweet pea.  Just wanted to clarify for any concerned mothers out there!  :)

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