Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, March 24, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day 7

1. I want pretzels and peanut butter and ice cream!  :)

2. I want my Masters of Music degree to just fall in my lap! HA!

3. I really want a Kindle!!  My friend just got one and I was playing with it a little bit last night and OH MY GOODNESS!!  I want it!

4. I want my child to be healthy and happy.  I want him to know God and have a good relationship with his daddy.  I want him to love fishing and camping and hiking and...

5. I want to have the ability to fly to visit my friends in all the different places that they live!  I hate not being so close to them.  Strike that...I want my friends to move to Portland!! ;)

6. I want to go full term with my son and not have any complications that lead to intervention or c-section

7. I want a house to live in that is in a good neighborhood for my family and has a beautiful park where my son and I can go play!

1 comment:

  1. I laughed when I read you number 2. Take if from someone who knows, it doesn't happen that way. Mom.
