Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

totally blog-worthy poo!

Evan is talented!  That's enough said right there, but I'd like to elaborate.  Here's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. :)

Just moments before all the sweet...first time smiling while nursing :)

I was nursing Evan.  He was done with one side.  I decided I'd burp him before I switched sides.  I set him (a little on the boppy) mostly on my leg and started patting away.  Seconds later, my son let out a BIG poo....and it leaked. all. over!!!!  It was on my dress pants (guess I'm not wearing those again this week).  On the boppy (how do you get poo out of plush??). On the couch.  All OVER him and his clothes.  Plus, because he's a 100% mama's milk diet, you KNOW it's all runny and gooey!  (TMI?)

So, I take him back to our changing area.  I take his outfit off and pull his diaper down.  He's become famous for not getting it all out at once and so I've been leaving the dirty one under him while he finishes his business, so to say.  He loves the mobile above his changing pad, so it entertains him while I clean off my pants with wipes, stain remover and paper towels.  I'm leaning over trying to clean myself and Evan decides he needs to pee.  (Do you see what's coming?)  Evan peed in my face...for the first time...but still. YUCK!

So I take off his diaper and put a paper towel under him, thinking he's done.  Oh mama!  You still have yet to learn!  Of course he's not done.  I lift him up to put the diaper under and out comes some more poo.  Well, at least I have a paper towel to catch it.

Clean him up, lotion his back and legs (he's been getting dry spots), diaper him, put stain remover on his clothes and socks, come out to the living room...remember that it's all over the boppy....take him back to the changing pad, try to clean poo off of plush...seriously how do you do that?  Come back out to the living room and sit down....feeling beat!



  1. bahahahhahahahahahahahahaha. oh, evan.

  2. roflmao! ooooooo my goodness...that's too funny charissa!

  3. My sister, who has two boys, once told me that when she used to change them she would open their diaper, blow on it a bit and then quickly hold the diaper over it to encourge a big wet finish before she tried to change them.

    That being said....HI-larious story. You are most certainly a mom now!
